

    Quotation Request Form

    Get Your Customized Quote and Personalized Drawing in Just 2 Business Days!

    We invite you to fill out our easy and efficient Online Quotation Request Form, which will help us provide you with a detailed quote based on your preferences. It only takes a few minutes to complete!

    By filling out the form, you'll be able to:

    1. Choose from our wide array of available options and features.
    2. Specify your requirements and preferences to ensure a tailored solution.
    3. Receive a customized quote within just 2 business days.
    4. Get a personalized drawing that showcases how your final product will look.

    We look forward to assisting you and creating a tailor-made solution that exceeds your expectations!

    Select your mirror:

    Your Information:

    Specifications of your mirror:

    Mirror 1



    ALLURE Color:






    Deco Mirror:

    Mirror shape:

    Quantity of Mirror Shape:

    Compose your mirror layout.

    step 1

    * Download our Deco Mirror Modula.

    Draw your mirror layout in our Deco Mirror Modula

    Download manuals icondecomirrorgrid.pdf

    Download file

    step 2

    Attach your designed mirror layout.

    Send us a photo/document of your design composition

    Upload a new file
    Deco Art mirror icon with measurments
    Deco Frame model with measurements

    Mirror 1

    * Mirror size must be divisible to your selected mirror frame glass size.

    Mirror Frame Size:


    Total Mirror Size:

    B. Width:
    C. Height:
    Quantity of Mirror:


    LED Light Layout:

    Mirror shape:

    LED Light Layout:

    Sink Options:

    Mirror shape:


    Bulb Ring:

    LED Light Color:

    Upgrade to Grand Mirros LUX Pro:


    Lighting Control:

    Defogger/Demister Technology:

    Mounting Option:

    Stainless Steel Mounting Layout:

    Stainless Steel Texture Finish:

    Other Options:

    Power Driver (Adaptor):

    Please Provide Additional Information(optional):

    If you have sketches, photos, AutoCad files, please upload them here (optional).

    Upload a new file

    Please expect your customized quotation within 2 working days.